What is a host? |
Hosts invite people into the conversation.
Who will you invite? Watch the video below for some inspiration! There are so many amazing stories from around the world of people stepping out in faith.
Qualifications for a Host:
- Involved in a Christian Community - Willing to invite people into the conversation - Able to commit to the duration of Alpha, 5:00PM - 7:00PM weekly (see full schedule in "Details" tab) - Attend the mandatory Training Night (see below) Host Training Night: We will be having our Host Training Night on Monday, January 13th from 5:00PM - 7:00PM in LIFE 2202. More details and link to follow after you register as host. |
Sign up to host.
Join as a team.
Have a friend that you would like to host at the same table with? Both of you must fill out a sign up form.
Be placed in a team.
Would you be curious to explore the Christian faith but don't have a co-host yet? Sign up and we'll place you with someone in the same boat to fill up tables.